FIELD TRIP – On June 7th there will be a field trip to the Cambridge Narrows area. The trip will be led by Clarence Nowlan so you will not only have an opportunity to visit a very picturesque area but also the opportunity to consult with Clarence on all aspects of photography.

The group will gather at Tim Horton's on the corner of Mapleton Road and Plaza Blvd. At 7:30 AM. If you wish to car pool this will be the time.

It would help if you could let Clarence know if you plan to attend so no one gets left behind as well giving him a chance to plan depending on numbers. His phone number is 506 758 2979.

PICNIC – The club picnic will be at Judy Dobson's in Dawson Settlement on June 22nd after 1:00 PM with eats at about 3: PM. Geoff will be sending details soon.

KEN DUNPHY AWARD – The winner this year was Geoff Douglas

Geoff Douglas
ILLUMINATOR AWARD – This years winner was Lise Bourgeois

Lise Bourgeois

President – Geoff Douglas
Vice President – Paul Leblanc
Secretary – Stephan Reebs
Treasurer – Lynn Johnson
Past President – John Nason

Good Shooting,
Bill Cooper

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